Which of these Funny Wedding Photographs is Your favourite Bridal Party pose ?

As the busy summer wedding seasons comes to an end; we at Gerry Duffy HQ have rounded up some of the strangest Bridesmaids Pictures doing the rounds on the internet. Photographers have used every chance to mock unsuspecting Wedding Parties by asking them to pose in hot tubs, on a wobbly jetty and along a supermarket aisle.

Shotgun Wedding

1. This is a Real SHOTGUN Wedding

Wrong Aisle

2. Groom leads his Bride up The WRONG Aisle

Worshiping Groomsmen

3. Worshiping The Groomsmen . . . Or Are They?

a mans gotta do . . .

4. When A Mans Gotta Do . . . What A Mans Gotta Do

pull yourselves together

5. Pull Yourselves Together - you look like a Set of CURTAINS

the naked wedding

6. The Naked Wedding

checking the bride out

7. Checking The Bride Out

ringing wet not ringing wedding bells

8. Ringing Wet . . . .instead of Ringing Wedding Bells

bridesmaids pose in a hot tub

9. Bridesmaids Pose in a Hot Tub

bride changes relationship status on the alter

10. Bride Changes Relationship Status at the ALTER

share with a friend who is getting married

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